Over the past 4 days, Andrew and I (although mostly Andrew...about 97%) have been cutting, sawing, screwing, welding, sanding, and painting the wooden platform - soon to be called our bed - as well as the metal rack which will sit above the topper and hitch rack to hold our gear. Not only did we buy all of the materials, but Andrew labored in the extreme summer heat and humidity to construct the following items by hand!
Pretty impressive stuff if I do say so myself. Here is some of the work which is still in progress. Final pictures will be posted at send off!
Mattress sits above platform, underneath will be used as storage. |
Platform hinges towards the middle to allow ease of access to gear and supplies. |
Fits perfectly! |
Andrew beginning the process of constructing the rack. |
Welding in progress... |
Safe-fitting the rack to the truck bed. |
More or less what it looks like without the bed liner paint. |
Andrew has gnarly tan lines, a burnt face from welding and has enjoyed a good amount of beers during this process, although he claims "not enough." All the while, I have been sitting inside the A.C. helping my mom out with various tasks around the house. Andrew sits here watching me write this in disgust with my behavior!
Until next time...
Kate & Andrew
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